If it’s end of September then it is European Researchers’ Night! This year we will demo at Ericsson Hungary’s venue.
Date: Friday, September 30, 2016. péntek, 4:00pm-11:00pm.
Venue location: Ericsson Hungary, Science Park, 1117 Budapest, Irinyi József u. 4-20.
Programme of this venue (in Hungarian): http://www.kutatokejszakaja.hu/2016/esemenynaptar/index.php?menu_id=4&hely=141.
European Researchers’ Nights are annual events dedicated to popular science and fun learning. They are an opportunity to meet researchers, talk to them, and to find out what they really do for society, in interactive and engaging ways. This can be through hands-on experiments, science shows, learning activities for children, guided visits of research labs, science quizzes and more.
See you on Friday!