We have won FLIR’s December Maker Contest!

As we have mentioned in our prior blogpost, we have submitted our project to the FLIR maker community showcase.

Let us proudly announce that we have won the December Maker Contest! It is a great honor that our project was recognized by the global leading company in thermal imaging and our robot is now being featured in the company’s website.

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We had a great time @ Science No Fiction

This year was the second time National Instruments organized the Science No Fiction Festival in Debrecen, Hungary.

We were invited to demo our robots again and got some new friends again.

Who would have thought that the most popular feature of the robot is the Flir Lepton camera with the waving gripper? 🙂

All the kids liked it, and even the very small ones smiled when saw the robot waving at them. 🙂

Of course while we were there, we used our time to prepare for this years RoboCup competitions (Germany, Japan), and our R17 robot get it’s arm attached and tested.

It’s a very important issue to get the kids interested in STEM fields, and we try to inspire the next generation to learn about robotics.

Our calendar has a few upcoming events too:
– 23th february We’ll be at the University of Pécs, giving a talk on Pollack Expo
– 2nd march We’re invited for a demonstration about robotics in Hungary at Trafo
– 25th march Magyarokamarson.hu is the competition most of Rescube members met, so we’re always happy to support the event
– 31st march – 1st april The Drone & Robotics Show will visit Sopron, Hungary and we’ll display our robots again.

We’re on the Flir Developer Community page

As some of you might already know, we’ve started using the FLIR Lepton sensors early on in the end of 2014.

These thermal sensors were the first to have accessible prices, and their small size make them especially fit for smaller robotics projects.

Today these sensors are available not just as phone peripherals, but the Cat S60 phone already has the thermal camera built in.

A few days ago the Rescube Robot got presented the FLIR developer community page: https://lepton.flir.com/community-showcase-items/robocup-rescue-league-robot/

Hope to get FLIR onboard on our 2017 RoboCup Rescube League robot.

A gift from our friend Peter

We’re very proud to present you this gift we received from our #1 fan, Peter Domonkos!

This led display is one of a kind, handcrafted plexiglas with a 3d printed base.

Can you believe, that this IoT device has wifi connection via an ESP8266 module, and you can set the colors through a REST API? It’s absolutely mindblowing.

This gift is the result of hours of dedicated work, that means very much to the whole team!

Hope to see you in Debrecen this weekend!

Meet us @ Science NO Fiction Tudományfesztivál this weekend

It’s about that time of year, when we’ve rolled the first meters with our prototype robot at the Science NO Fiction festival last year. That prototype became the Design Award winner at the RoboCup WorldCup 2016 in Leipzig.

We’re already preparing for this two day event, and we’ll efficiently use our time together to work on our 2017 prototype already.

Of course you can meet with the 2016 competition robot and we will talk about the competitions we’ve been to, and we’re going to.

See you in Kölcsey Központ, Debrecen on teh 4-5th of february.


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